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  • The tasks of the General Meeting are as follows:

    1. the election of the executive board and the auditor, 
    2. the acceptance of the annual report, the annual accounts and approval of the executive board, 
    3. the fixation of the membership fees,
    4. the resolutions concerning changes of the standing orders and the dissolution of the division, and 
    5. the vote on motions.

    The General Meeting generally takes place during the Annual Meeting.

  • The General Meeting elect:

    • the President,
    • 2 Deputy Presidents,
    • the Assessors and the
    • Auditor.

    The office of the Water Chemistry Society is the contact for all requests regarding the professional group. Further the office ist responsible for taking care of all tasks surrounding it, arrangement of the board meetings and the annual meetings.

    The Executive Board bears responsible for the release of the membership magazine "Vom Wasser - Das Journal" and publication of DEV - Deutsche Einheitsverfahren.
    The Executive Board of the Water Chemistry Society closely coorperates with the Executive Board of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker.

  • By-laws of the Waterchemistry Society

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  • Work rules for the committees of the Waterchemistry Societ

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About the Water Chemistry Society

A cornerstone of the water research network

The Water Chemistry Society is a cornerstone of the water research network in Germany: in our Society, experts and professionals of multiple water-related disciplines contribute with their expertise to address challenges in a range of different areas. The opportunity of personal encounters and the possibility to discuss current developments make the Water Chemistry Society a catalyst for scientific and technical advances.

In times of climate change, this professional exchange is particularly valuable. Consequences of climate change are felt all over the world, but particularly in relation with water: the occurrence of too much or too little water, or of compromised water quality. The protection, treatment, quality assurance as well as the use and management of water resources have therefore become increasingly important. In our Society, we seek to contribute to the safeguarding of our water as the most important basis of life and a fundamental human right. For this, we provide the scientific foundations and catalyze their implementation into practice.

  • For many decades, the Water Chemistry Society has provided their members with:

    • a platform for fostering joint work on current water topics (such as development of whitepapers and research strategies, initiation of research consortia etc.)
    • a network for the development of careers
    • the opportunity of exchanging ideas and experience through its conferences, workshops and publications
  • Our experts have their background in different disciplines:

    Apart from (hydro)chemists, the Society’s members comprise (micro)biologists, hygiene experts, hydro(geo)logists, process engineers and environmental scientists who work, for example, at universities, technical colleges, research centers, analytics institutes, with authorities, water and energy supply companies, the (chemical) industry and engineering companies.

    The diversity of disciplines and professional backgrounds allows for an integral, multidisciplinary and thus holistic and systematic approach that characterizes our way of working.

  • Which topics are we involved in?

    • Analysis of water, waste water, slurry, suspended matter, sediment, soil and biota with regard to organic and inorganic substances/contaminants including the development of novel advanced methods and technologies
    • Water quality (ground water, drinking water, surface water, precipitable water, mineral and thermal water…)
    • Assessment of water status and water protection within guidelines
    • Purification and use of water as drinking water, mineral water or process water in the industry sector
    • Treatment of municipal and industrial waste water
    • Methods of water saving
    • Water reuse
    • Impact of the climate change on the resource water

The activities of the members concentrate on:

  • The quality of groundwater, spring water, mineral- and thermal water, precipitation water, water in rivers, lakes and reservoirs, sea water,
  • The water condition and water protection including organisms and sediments in waters,
  • The water treatment and utilization of water as drinking water, mineral water, curative water, process water for industry- and power plants, water of indoor- and outdoor baths,
  • Treatment of municipal and industrial waste water including sewage sludge,
  • Economic measures to save water, to reprocess water and to recycle useful material,
  • Waste disposal and recycling of purified waste water in the natural water cycle,
  • Wnalysis of water, waste water, sludge, sediments and soil.

The tasks and objects:

  • Effective protection, useful utilisation, appropriate preparation and purification and also proper analysis and respectively appraisal of water
  • Support of young talents with focus on promotion of the scientific education in aquatic sciences at German universities, good relations to water chemistry authorities, associations, and specialists on national and international level,
  • Contributions to national scientific, technical, legislative and organizing methods of the water quality management
  • Control, standardization, and development of analytical methods
  • Support of cross-departmental cooperation and systematic comprehension of water subjects.


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Becoming a member

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Would you like to become a member of the Water Chemistry Society? We are looking forward to you. Each new member will get a free ticket for a one-time participation in an annual conference!

For issuance of the voucher please get in touch with the secretariat of the Water Chemistry Society (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Joining the German Chemical Society (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V., GDCh) is a prerequisite for a membership of the Water Chemistry Society.

Do you have any questions about membership?
We will be happy to answer them.

Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V.
Postfach 900440
60444 Frankfurt am Main

e-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax: +49 69 7917 - 374


Marga Wolf Tel.: +49 69 7917 - 334 / 335
Petra Krämer Tel.: +49 69 7917 - 367
Heike Herrmann Tel.: +49 69 7917 - 372

Regular members*

Persons working in chemistry and related subject areas as well as other persons interested in chemical and molecular sciences in Germany and abroad.

Annual fee of the Water Chemistry Society: € 20.00

Student members*

Student members and other members currently in training

No fee

*Prerequisite is a GDCh membership

Associated members*

Persons in Germany and abroad who are not trained in the field of chemistry or related subject areas and/or who do not work in this field and are only interested in contributing to the specialist group Water Chemistry Society.

Annual GDCh fee: € 40.00 (no additional fee for the Water Chemistry Society)

Sponsoring members*

Water works, companies, associations, institutes etc.

On request

For registration forms see Downloads & Information

Read more …Becoming a member

  • Hits: 94

Downloads & Information

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  • Application for GDCh membership (online)

    You would like to become a member of GDCh.

    You will be forwarded to the respective GDCh pages.


  • Application for GDCh membership (download)

    You would like to become a member of GDCh.

    Download the membership application here:

    Download membership application

  • Application for membership in a specialist group or a workgroup

    You are already a GDCh member and would like to join a specialist group or workgroup.
    You will be forwarded to the respective GDCh pages.


  • Work rules for the committees of the Water Chemistry Society

    Status: 09/2016


  • Blank template: Presentation of the Water Chemistry Society (ppt)

    Blank template in the CI of the Water Chemistry Society

  • Flyer of the Water Chemistry Society

    Brief overview


  • Rules of procedure of the Water Chemistry Society, GDCh specialist group

    Status: 09/2015


  • Notes on the preparation of an abstract

    Template "Abstracts“ – Guidelines for the preparation of an abstract

    Please be aware that complying with the guidelines is an evaluation criterion and thus has an impact on the assessment of abstracts by the Scientific Committee.

    Feel free to use the template „Abstracts_MUSTER_09.2018“ (Word document)

    (Status 10.2021)


  • Notes on poster preparation

    Suggestions for preparing good posters.


  • Presentation of the Water Chemistry Society

    An overview of the structure, tasks and goals of the Water Chemistry Society.


  • Travel expense accounting

    Travel expense accounting form

    You will be forwarded to the respective GDCh pages.

    travel expense report GDCh

  • Guidelines for travel expense accounting for persons traveling on behalf of the GDCh in an honorary capacity

    You will be forwarded to the respective GDCh pages.


  • Electoral procedure of the Water Chemistry Society

    Status: July 2023


Read more …Downloads & Information

  • Hits: 130

Doctoral theses

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Auf den Folgeseiten stehen Zusammenfassungen von Dissertationen aus dem Wasserfach zum Download bereit. Parallel erfolgte in aller Regel auch die Veröffentlichung in "Vom Wasser".

Vielen Dank noch einmal an die Autorinnen und Autoren, die uns die Abstracts für diesen Zweck zur Verfügung gestellt haben. Zur Erleichterung der Suche findet Sie hier eine Übersicht aller eingestellten Abstracts mit Angabe des Jahres der Veröffentlichung. Innerhalb des jeweiligen Jahres erfolgte die Sortierung in aphabetischer Reihenfolge nach dem Nachnamen.

Read more …Doctoral theses

  • Hits: 424

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