Application for GDCh membership (online)
You would like to become a member of GDCh.
You will be forwarded to the respective GDCh pages.
Application for GDCh membership (download)
You would like to become a member of GDCh.
Download the membership application here:
Application for membership in a specialist group or a workgroup
You are already a GDCh member and would like to join a specialist group or workgroup.
You will be forwarded to the respective GDCh pages.
Work rules for the committees of the Water Chemistry Society
Status: 09/2016
Blank template: Presentation of the Water Chemistry Society (ppt)
Blank template in the CI of the Water Chemistry Society
Flyer of the Water Chemistry Society
Brief overview
Notes on the preparation of an abstract
Template "Abstracts“ – Guidelines for the preparation of an abstract
Please be aware that complying with the guidelines is an evaluation criterion and thus has an impact on the assessment of abstracts by the Scientific Committee.
Feel free to use the template „Abstracts_MUSTER_09.2018“ (Word document)
(Status 10.2021)
Notes on poster preparation
Suggestions for preparing good posters.
Presentation of the Water Chemistry Society
An overview of the structure, tasks and goals of the Water Chemistry Society.
Travel expense accounting
Travel expense accounting form
You will be forwarded to the respective GDCh pages.
Guidelines for travel expense accounting for persons traveling on behalf of the GDCh in an honorary capacity
You will be forwarded to the respective GDCh pages.
Electoral procedure of the Water Chemistry Society
Status: July 2023