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Validation documents (Excel-files)

The tasks of the General Meeting are as follows:

  1. the election of the executive board and the auditor, 
  2. the acceptance of the annual report, the annual accounts and approval of the executive board, 
  3. the fixation of the membership fees,
  4. the resolutions concerning changes of the standing orders and the dissolution of the division, and 
  5. the vote on motions.

The General Meeting generally takes place during the Annual Meeting.

The General Meeting elect:

  • the President,
  • 2 Deputy Presidents,
  • the Assessors and the
  • Auditor.

The office of the Water Chemistry Society is the contact for all requests regarding the professional group. Further the office ist responsible for taking care of all tasks surrounding it, arrangement of the board meetings and the annual meetings.

The Executive Board bears responsible for the release of the membership magazine "Vom Wasser - Das Journal" and publication of DEV - Deutsche Einheitsverfahren.
The Executive Board of the Water Chemistry Society closely coorperates with the Executive Board of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker.

By-laws of the Waterchemistry Society

Work rules for the committees of the Waterchemistry Societ