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Young Water Forum of the Water Chemistry Society

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The Young Water Forum (JWF) is the association of young researchers within the Water Chemistry Society. The idea for the initialization of this type of formation emerged during WASSER 2024 in Limburg an der Lahn. In addition to the opportunity for networking and exchange, the JWF offers the chance to contribute your own ideas and visions to the Water Chemical Society.

Would you like to become a member of the JWF or even actively participate? Then please contact us by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

There is no upper age limit. Anyone who can benefit from the activities is welcome. The activites are aimed at students, doctoral candidates, post-docs and scientists during their career planning and development. We would also like to explicitly encourage international scientists to get involved.


At WASSER 2025 in Münster from May 26-28, the JWF will be represented for the first time with its own activities.

On Sunday (25.05.2025) before the start of the scientific program, we will meet in the city at 2:30 pm for a (digital) city hunt. This gives us the opportunity to get to know each other, exchange ideas and network before the event.

During the conference, there will be a career lunch on Tuesday (27.05.2025) during the lunch break. What do we mean by that specifically?

Speakers: For the career lunch we invited PD Dr. Elisabeth Janssen from EAWAG, deputy head of the department “Environmental Chemistry of Biomolecules and Macromolecular Pollutants”, and Dr. Alexander Weizel, group leader “Chemical Analytics and Research” at Rheinenergie AG. We will send you short profiles of the speakers before the conference as a basis for your questions.

Idea: During the lunch break on Tuesday, May 27, 2025, there will be the opportunity to exchange ideas with the speakers and ask questions. However, the focus should not (only) be on the respective research, but also on individual careers, experiences abroad, the concept of science, everyday work life, tips and advice and basically everything that interests the members of the JWF. Thus, the Career Lunch is intended to offer a form of exchange that is not the focus of questions after scientific presentations or classical networking activities. To do this, we will collect questions from the JWF in advance, which the speakers will answer in short keynote speeches. Afterwards, there will be time for further questions and discussion.

Who can register? In principle, anyone who thinks they would benefit from the exchange. There is no age limit. If you are unsure, just come along and give it a try. Membership of the Water Chemistry Society is a prerequisite for participation in the event. But as a little tip: this is free of charge for students and doctoral candidates.

Other: As the career lunch takes place during the lunch break, there will of course be food and drinks available.

If you would like to have your own questions represented at the career lunch, write to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., we will add you to the mailing list and you won't miss out when we introduce the speakers and call for questions.

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great to have you here!

Annual Meeting Münster 2025

The webpage of the Water Chemistry Society is being updated and the English content will be provided shortly. Until then, we would like to ask you for just a little more patience.
Information related to the Annual Meeting of the Waterchemical Society May 26-28, 2025 in Münster can already be accessed in English via the links on the following webpage.

Visit webpage

Read more …Welcome

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General committee II: The Research Committee

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The Research Committee of the Water Chemistry Society

The technical committees in the field of analytics deal with new methods for identifying new substances and expanding the analytical measurement window (1), (eco)toxicological effects (2), real-time measurements and (3) tools for investigating environmental processes (4). In the area of emissions, sources and transport of trace substances (5), the behavior of polar low-molecular size trace substances (e.g. persistence and (eco)toxicology) (6), formation, distribution and aging of microplastics (7), substance emissions from modern building materials (8), and the spread and behavior of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (9) are addressed. In the area of processes, the focus is on biological processes of pollutant degradation (10), physical processes in the aquatic environment and in treatment (e.g. colloidal mass transport, sorption processes, filtration) (11) and oxidative water treatment methods (12). The Water 4.0 and Climate Change expert committee (13), which integrates all three areas (analytics, emissions and processes), represents a cross-cutting topic. The effects of extreme events and the water management requirements of the future (availability and quality of resources) on the water supply are assessed using digital images (e.g. virtual twin) in the areas of water extraction, treatment and distribution. The aim is to derive strategies for action to ensure an adequate supply of high-quality drinking water in the future.

Read more …General committee II: The Research Committee

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