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Late Summer 2019

"Chemical and biological transformation processes and tools for their investigation"
September 22th – 25th, 2019 in Haltern am See, Germany


Chemical and biological transformation processes and tools for their investigation


Haltern am See


Dr. Holger V. Lutze (Chairman)
Dr. Maik Jochmann
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Reemtsma
Dr. Carsten K. Schmidt
Prof. Dr. Thomas Ternes
Dr. Arne Wick
Prof. Dr. Christian Zwiener

Conference Character:

The Late Summer Workshop has been established to provide an international forum for young scientists. The Water Chemistry Society feels responsible for development of the rising scientific generation and wishes to encourage individuals to remain in research and active in the development. It takes place on a regular basis every two or three years. Every Workshop has its own topic. Attendance is limited to 50 persons.

The format is of the Gordon Research Conference type. Discussion and active participation is integrated.
This interdisciplinary approach should aid the development of comprehensive knowledge on all aspects of water chemistry and water quality. We are looking for a lot of stimulation, thinking and exchange of experiences.

Prominent scientists address the respective topics in invited lectures, followed by selected presentations as participant lectures. Every particpant contributes to the workshop with an oral presentation or a poster. There are no attendees without any contribution. Special consideration is given to young scientists. Significant time is given for discussions.

In order to enable participation of young researchers a fellowship covering full board accommodation will be made available for all contributions, expecting to be present during the entire workshop. Only the travel expenses are to be paid by the participants themselves.

Two participants will share a double room. It is possible to reserve a single room as well. But in this case the attendees have to pay the rate oneself.

The coming 8th Late Summer Workshop will discuss the state of research and knowledge on "Chemical and biological transformation processes and tools for their investigation". It will feature invited lectures of outstanding scientists in this field. Young scientists focused on microplastics research should feel concerned.

The 8th Late Summer Workshop will be organised by the Water Chemistry Society (Chairman: Prof. Dr. Torsten C. Schmidt) and its Expert Committee "Oxidative processes", "Evironmentally relevant transformation processes in the water cycle" and "Environmental isotope chemistry".

Prof. Dr. Michael Dodd University of Washington, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seattle, USA
"Antibiotic Resistance Gene Fate during (Waste)water Disinfection Processes: Degradation, Deactivation, and Implications for Mitigation of Antibiotic Resistance Dissemination"

Prof. Dr. Martin Elsner Technical University of Munich, Analytical Chemistry and Water Chemistry, Institute of Hydrochemistry, Munich, DE "Exploring Transformation Pathways and Limits of Biodegradation by Stable Isotope Fractionation"

Dr. Imma Ferrer University of Colorado, Environmental Engineering, Boulder, USA Identification of transformation products by LC/Q-TOF-MS - examples from pesticides in plants to surfactants in hydraulic fracturing waters.

Prof. Dr. Damian E. Helbling School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA "Can micropollutant biotransformations be predicted from microbial community biomolecular parts lists?"

Prof. Dr. Jeppe Lund Nielsen Aalborg University, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, Aalborg, DK
"Who and how do they degrade micropollutants?"

Prof. David Sedlak University of California, Berkeley, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Berkeley, USA "Oxidative Treatment in Potable Water Reuse: Understanding the Formation and Fate of Transformation Products"

Dr. Peter Tentscher Aalborg Øst, DK "Chemical oxidation: How quantum chemical calculations can support experimental studies"

Prof. Dr. Thomas Ternes Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG), Qualitative hydrology, Koblenz, DE "Transformation products in the urban water cycle: a hidden problem?"

Prof. Dr. Urs von Gunten Eawag, Water Resources and Drinking Water, Dübendorf, CH "Oxidation processes for water treatment: Are we on track?"