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About the Water Chemistry Society


The Water Chemistry Society was founded as "Fachgruppe für Wasserchemie" in the "Verein Deutscher Chemiker" in 1926. After the Second World War, in 1948, it was refounded as "Fachgruppe Wasserchemie" in the "Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V.". In 2000 it was renamed as "Wasserchemische Gesellschaft - Fachgruppe in der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker" (Water Chemistry Society - Division of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V.). It is headquarterd at the office of the GDCh.

The symbol of the Water Chemistry Society is the "natural water cycle in a retort".

Values of the Water Chemistry Society:

  • Correlation of all chemists and specialists working on the subject water to promote this scientific field,
  • Exchange of informations, practical experience, and ideas in the field of water chemistry by conferences, publications, and special training courses,
  • Network of knowledge with the opportunity to ask for scientific or technical advice,
  • Development of professional progress.

The Water Chemistry Society associates:

  • Chemists, biologists, limnologists,
  • Hygienists, hydrogeologists, hydrologists, engineers,
  • Water research institutions,
  • Water and waste water authorities,
  • Water technology institutes and companies. 

The members of the Water Chemistry Society work in:

  • Universities and research centers,
  • National and municipal institutes and authorities,
  • Water related associations,
  • Water supply companies,
  • Waste water treatment plants,
  • Energy supply plants,
  • National and private laboratories,
  • Engineering offices, industrial companies.

Values of the Water Chemistry Society:

  • Correlation of all chemists and specialists working on the subject water to promote this scientific field,
  • Exchange of informations, practical experience, and ideas in the field of water chemistry by conferences, publications, and special training courses,
  • Network of knowledge with the opportunity to ask for scientific or technical advice,
  • Development of professional progress.

The activities of the members concentrate on:

  • The quality of groundwater, spring water, mineral- and thermal water, precipitation water, water in rivers, lakes and reservoirs, sea water,
  • The water condition and water protection including organisms and sediments in waters,
  • The water treatment and utilization of water as drinking water, mineral water, curative water, process water for industry- and power plants, water of indoor- and outdoor baths,
  • Treatment of municipal and industrial waste water including sewage sludge,
  • Economic measures to save water, to reprocess water and to recycle useful material,
  • Waste disposal and recycling of purified waste water in the natural water cycle,
  • Wnalysis of water, waste water, sludge, sediments and soil.

The tasks and objects:

  • Effective protection, useful utilisation, appropriate preparation and purification and also proper analysis and respectively appraisal of water
  • Support of young talents with focus on promotion of the scientific education in aquatic sciences at German universities, good relations to water chemistry authorities, associations, and specialists on national and international level,
  • Contributions to national scientific, technical, legislative and organizing methods of the water quality management
  • Control, standardization, and development of analytical methods
  • Support of cross-departmental cooperation and systematic comprehension of water subjects.